Bourgeois and Proletarians
Inspired by Chapter One of The Communist Manifesto. Rendered in trochaic meter, in which a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.
From the feudal manor reigning
Across the face of tiny Europe
Came the merchant and the guildsman
Came the buyer and the seller
Into town and into cities
Into ships sailing westward
Trading spice from ancient Egypt
Trading silk from distant China
Finding new worlds, making money
Ever pushing, ever grabbing
Up every stream and every river
Seizing people from their homelands
Sold as slaves in lands just stolen
Nations wiped out in the process
Cree and Aztec, Inca, Mohawk
Turning all lands into markets
Looting gold and felling forests.
In the path of mighty merchants
Nobles bow and priests reform
Old forms crack, old ways crumble
Revolutions roar and rumble
Cross the face of tiny Europe
Aristocratic heads go rolling
Guildsmen into factory owners
Merchants into bankers grown
With the two-faced cry of “Freedom”
The new rulers take control.
As markets grow so does production
Constant change and innovation
Sailing ships replaced by steamboats
Railroads, telegraphs, computers
In the constant search for profit
Transforming all into their image
They rape the earth and fill the waters
With the wastes from their factories
Until the very air we breathe in
Becomes a grey and choking poison.
But not a penny could they make now
Without the surplus value stolen
From the work of many others.
Into cities poured the millions
Peasants into workers changed
Onto ships, the great migrations
Fleeing from pogrom and famine
Searching for a job of work
Multicolored, many-tongued
But with one relation to production
Owning nothing, living only
On the power of their labor
The market value of their sweat.
From little shops and little farms
Gathered into giant factories
By the score and by the thousands
Sweating through the steam and shouting
A toiling army of production
Building things before unheard of
Trains and planes, electric light bulbs
Miles of cloth and tons of steel
Creating needs before undreamed of
Conceiving hope before unborn.
Thus the owners have created
Forces they cannot control.
Production social, profit private
Bring forth hunger and upheaval
Up and down the system rolling
Boom and bust and bombs and war
Sucking up the blood and blocking
Progress with their lust for more
The owners try to hold back history
Kill the new world as it’s born
With Auschwitz and Hiroshima
Napalm and the neutron bomb.
While the workers fight to realize
The power of their work and numbers
To end the reign of exploitation
To break the chains of private profit
Create a world of peace and plenty
Of freedom never known before.
The two great social forces
Locked in battle, locked in combat
Rolling through the blood and carnage
For the future of the world.
Published in Practice, Vol 1. Nos. 2-3 (Fall-Winter 1983)