Our Kitchen

Our kitchen is not big,

but it is big enough

for the tea kettle

and the Formica table

and the tea cup

and me

and the Heart of the World

and all the dreams of the generations

and for the sun which comes in the window 

and for all the people of China

whose company I am grateful for

and every woman

I’ve ever loved or dreamed of loving

and for Ollie and Julia and Lucy

and all the new people

born today

who I would like to play with

and for Janet,

although we usually eat in the living room,

but it is big enough for her 

and me

and everything we’ve been through

and all the ties that bind

and all the ambitions shared

and all the children we will produce



and for her family

and my family

and for the revolution

that we patiently build 

with our pens 

and our bodies

and which we speculate about

over hot chocolate

with all this company

for which we are very grateful

in our small kitchen.